Sunday, April 29, 2018

Driving So Dangerous It'll Be Outlawed Mandatory Ignition Breathalyzer

Driving So Dangerous
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with that that uh... Car and driver i was actually just
the other day i was in a waiting room somewhere and i picked up and uh...
Issue of car driver magazine and there was a fascinating article
about charting traffic safety and fatality data and i was interested because recently we
had our blood after our return gray on the show who talked about his research
into so-called curing of aging and simply
eliminating the processes by which people agent eventually die he mentioned that as life expectancy
increases driving could actually be outlawed altogether because it would just be such a risky
behavior in other words it's equally risky that you might di in a car accident but the life expectancy goes up the average car accident has the
potential to take away are higher and higher number of years of life is that
make sense right so i actually started looking into well automobile driving become more or less risk in
terms of the possibility that you will actually die and it is actually lower than ever if we look at dating back really for quite some time
and you know we're going back into the fifties them maybe the sixties in two thousand nine for example motor
vehicle related fatalities actually were an all-time low in the united states uh... Only one point thirteen deaths per
hundred million vehicle miles traveled okay in total deaths that that's felt about
thirty three thirty four thousand and this is the lowest number since the
department of transportation started recording data in nineteen fifty seven
does go that far back and crashed rates fell to their lowest
numbers as well a hundred and eighty five crashes for hundred million vehicle miles traveled injury rates
dropped as well the chance of dying in any given crash
is at an all-time low the number of injuries procrastinate strap slightly this could be a trend since uh... This is a more recent trend since
that was it was uh...

Kept track of concern to me first of all does that surprise you given what we
hear around the dangers of drunk driving an automobile accident
that sir no because i just associated with advances in car safety
technology doesn't surprise me that also not
surprising to me than overwhelming percentage of deadly car accidents involve what absolute no question about it so we have to think about what is it
that's going on here at the economic crisis has had of uh... A little bit of
a factor here letter as we know the youngest drivers are often those
most at risk and because of the economic crisis a lot
less a very very young people are having cars and driving period that's going to the fact the numbers but overall we have seen this and regular decline over the years in
the deaths perhaps per per miles driven worker vehicle miles driven given that what do you think will list about the
future of driving and then eventually will be as a society so you know what we can develop a technology that will
make it much safer to get around still in vehicles where we're actually going
to get away from the individual person merging onto the highway nh getting
often speeding and doing all the risky behaviors that
all going to be handled a very different way um... Yes i don't know how how different but i
think its only gonna get safer i think it could plateau i'd don't c_s_
going regressing anyway could you see a
situation though where maybe it would start with certain highways okay as you pull onto the highway some kind
of computerized system takes control of your car it keeps cars in line no wild lane
changes it may accelerate the speed at which we
can travel because if the computer is controlling vehicles in the distance
between them they can certainly travel close together and then you push a
button that you want to get off you get off and then you take over
control of your car is that a possibility what do you think the time well uh... What i was thinking this is
gonna sound really controversial the first amendment free and i consider
myself you know what the liberal him a first amendment text back but imagine if your car uh...

Didn't turn on unless you the breathalizer and it and i
found that you had an uh... As hero alcohol rating on your blog that
already exists for certain people well yeah but only at as a result of that anything you are
that's right i think that the legal challenges have
been sooted and instituting a on everyone would be difficult what-if would you favor something like
that was i mean we know statistics tell us how
much of an increased risk factor driving is an error drunk driving is in
a lot of these accidents isn't that by definition how will grow
cotton make the argument that it wouldn't help then the number of car accidents but
there are one but i'm not sure but before that i guess
so why would you be against yeah you want my car and i want to have if promise alexa miranti year if the state passed a law
there are because they passed a law the required dot by the fire it but what do you what what
do you care about whether it's the state of the federal government united states
rights guy if you if you're in favor of it who cares who passed i think it should be uh... Up to the states the why i don't understand well here's what i think but but or bigger headache when people say it's up to the states how did the states decide is it up to
the people who live in the state figures add up to like you know twenty-five
legislators i mean who is adopted by feel like it's a bit more into they went to the state level
between the elected officials that state and its people whereas at the government
level pizza it's just more chaotic i think that's
all charade but also then so is it cars registered in that state visit cars
sold in that state that have to have this mechanism citizens citizens of that
state if your primary residence is in that state you are subject to that
states loss you know it's really good though certain states instituted this model
your car are you know not turning on a few passed
a breathalyzer then what would happen if you would have
certain states that past that with much better safety records n the
only defense for the state that didn't pass it will be better now we wanna
support are right to drunk driving they would put it is one of those things
where when we look at policies that in working for example education and we
look at the fifa financing of education as a
priority and then where our kids actually doing the best highest graduation rates at center it's very very clear and it's turning
into a situation where uh... Knows states that have the poorest funding of education and as a result of
usally the poorest educations are almost defending their right discontinue stupid and not spend money
on education absolutely let's take a break and i were over time
here uh...

We'll take a break make sure to go
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