Monday, May 28, 2018

DisneyCarToys House Tour and Showing Off My Toy Closets

DisneyCarToys House Tour
Hey, everyone! Its Sandra from the Disney
CarToys Channel, and today, Im doing a house tour, because everyones been asking
me for about two years now, and I always say My house is pretty boring! But, you
guys have asked for a million times, so Ill show it to you anyway. So, I am in the toy
room. This is my kids toy room, and we honestly, we film in here sometimes. Um, you
might recognize its been less dirty.

Uhuhuh. Looking great. Its a little dirty right
now, but we filmed like our first fall pit challenge in this room. Um, but we have tons
of toys in here, and these are the toys I.

Usually dont film very much, cause theyre
like older games. I mean, Im not going to film Risk and Im, we have wooden puzzles
like these ones. You know, this is from when my kids were babies, basically. Um, we have
a whole lot of baby toys I here I havent really filmed, like this little block set.
And then, um, tons of old dolls and other things weve filmed.

So, weve got Elsa
here, and shes been played with. So, this is what happens after the toys get filmed.
They get loused a little bit. Um, but honestly, its a lot of toys. Uhuhuh, we have like.

Honestly, a lot of these we have filmed. Weve got our nice little reindeer puppet,
um, you know, some Star Wars characters. This is stuff my kids will get for like, Christmas
and stuff. Um, oh yeah.

One of my favorites, Toby, from Sheriff Kelly! Um, so a lot of.
I dont know. Just a lot of older toys. Oh! I wonder if this works. Lets see.

no. The batterys dead. Normally, this spins around and lights up. Its pretty cool.
Lightning McQueen is awesome! Um, let me show you some more, other.

Oh, wait, wait. I found
something cool. Hold on. George Pig.

Very cool. But this is a little kangaroo I got
in Australia when it was in Miss Toys. Very awesome. Little baby.

Um, okay. Now. Now,
were done. Well, with this side! Um, and honestly, even though it looks like tons of
toys, I probably donate like ninety-five percent of our toys, huhuh, and most of these toys
are from when, before I did YouTube, or from when I was a kid.

So, heres a lot of our
board games and even these we have a total like. I fell in love with Disney Cars Tractor
Tipping probably three, maybe four years ago on my channel, forever long. And here, Mister
Famous Cookie Monster. He is my like little thumbnail, user name, picture, whatever it
is, of Cookie Monster eating cars.

This is Captain Crunch Cookie Monster. Pretty much
every You Tuber has seen filmed this guy, I feel like.Um, so here he is, Cookie Monster.
More games. Um, we filmed these. Theyre cool like little sandwich games.

awesome. Um, and then others that weve never really filmed. I got this at a garage
sale for five bucks like years ago, with a gazillion track pieces. I know.

Its like
Thats so hot!, But I never filmed it. Huhuh. And, yeah! Like, this is all the
random balls and other random toys. Um, usually what happens is kids come over to my house
to play, and then they mess up everything.

So, its like a little messy in here and
unorganized. This is supposed to be more of the Disney Cars kind of stuff, but this got
kind of messed up I mean. We got Blaise. We got Mater, um, a little bit of everything
in here.

So this is, I guess, Toy Room Number One. We have some toy closets which Ill
show you, but first, Ill show you the kids rooms and then more toys. Okay, so this is
my daughters room, and she has like the coolest room in the house I feel like. Its
kind of long and skinny.

Um, but shes got a cute little Disney Princess bed with Frozen,
cause she loves Disney Princess and Frozen. And then, heres some of her favorite stuffed
animals right now. These are like Cabbage Patch bunnies that I actually had as a kid.
She found these and has been like playing with them, and the cool thing about them,
their little tail speaks! So cute. Um, and her beds kind of cool too because its
like a trundle, so she can do sleep-overs and stuff.

There we go. Anna and Elsa. Its
a good sisters bed I guess, right? Huhuh. So this pulls out which is really nice, and
she has a doll house in her room right here.

Lets go on over. There we go. Um, this
is a Kid Craft Doll House. Ive filmed tons of these, and I kept one.

So I think I gave
away like four of five or like lots of doll houses have been given away. Um, we kept this
one. Its really cool. Weve got all the princesses sleeping in there, eating dinner,
and so on.

She kind of re-arranged the furniture, so like its kind of odd. Like up here,
its supposed to be like a patio deck for barbecues, and we have like a bath tub. So,
you know. Three-year old imagination! Huhuh.

Okay. So, here is her closet which is actually
super awesome, which kind of sold me the house, which is weird that a closet did. Anyway.
Um, so it has tons of storage, which is really awesome. Weve got tons of dresses and stuff
here and then in the back  like this goes, well its hard to see way back here, Ive
got like a doll house, a whole bed and some books, like, diapers, I dont know.

nice storage, huhuh, back there. And then in here, more storage. And this stuff, so
this weekend, I have to get rid of mass amount of toys, so I plan on getting rid of this
little baby thing, and then this wire thing. Um, here is all of our ball pits.

We actually
filmed a mini one here, like a long time ago, a Balloon Pop in this whole room. It
was really hot. Huhuh like. Um, but yeah.

I need to get rid of like this and this, so
a lot of these toys are like I need to get rid of, but I just try to like save enough
to fit my whole car, and then I get rid of the toys. Um, we have Anna and Elsa, my size,
or smaller than my size. Elsa. There we go.

Ooh! Say hello. Hello. So, weve got Elsa,
and now, Ill show you my sons room, which is cool. Okay.

So, here is Alexs
room. Its a little less exciting than Avas room, but still kind of cool. So obviously,
he likes Star Wars and Legos, and Lego Star Wars right here! Tadah! Lego Yoda! Someone
gave us these and they kind of stay on, but kind of not. Um, but, um, my son or my husband
films a lot of Ninja Turtles, so this is actually really cool.

All the different Legos from
all the different Ninja Turtle TV shows and stuff, so every night we play a game to like
guess the difference between the turtles. So, for example, this turtle here has black
toe nails, which is really strange, where everybody else has green. So like we
try to find the difference between the turtle pointed out. He reads a lot of books.

He cleaned
his room himself. You can tell, cause the books are everywhere. Um, Star Wars bed, which
is exciting. Its actually pretty soft.

Um, and then, um, plane stickers, cause
he really likes planes too, so we kind of have a little bit of everything going on in
here. And then, this is like Lego City. All his Lego sets, um, and then a lot of characters
like Luke Skywalker. Its pretty cool.

Um, and then the last thing I want to show you
is he has a really cool like 1990s exit sign. This was really cool when I was a kid. Um,
and it lights up. Wait.

Let me find it. Tadah! Whoo! So, its a nice night light. And here
is my son Adams room. So this is under three.

Its the smallest of the kids
bedrooms, but we did paint it blue, which is really cool, so here we go blue. A little
Disney Car stuff. Um, heres the Cars bedding. Honestly, with this room, I dont need to
show you much, cause Ive already filmed it before, but, Cars bedding, Cars camper,
and thats about it.

So, I dont know. Baby room. And heres my bedroom. Honestly,
you dont need to see it.

Its pretty basic. So, I need to make my bed still. And
now for the main part of the house. This is a total toy tour, like living room, nice,
and then whoop! Ball pit! So, um, we filmed this recently.

My kids have been playing with
it still so I feel like a lot of times my living room is overtaken by like a giant toy
that Im filming, so, living room and then heres the dining room, which every house
has, but you never use. So like, every Christmas and Thanksgiving I use this, otherwise, eh!
Okay. So, Im sure you guys are wondering Wheres all the toys?Its actually
in here, so make sure to pay attention. We get to the toys here! Okay.

Lets see it
all. Oh, by the way, heres my. Oops. I.

Lost it. Here we go. Limited Edition Tag for
what is the name again, The Sunny, yeah, The Sunny Screen from Shopkins Season One. I lost
this forever, and then realized was on my idea board which I never come with up with
ideas I guess, cause it took me a long time to find that thing.

Um, so heres my
grand toy closet. Ive actually filmed this before. Um, Ive got tons of Disney Cars
up at the top; Doc McStuffins. And then, this is a weekend project as well, cause its
not super-organized.

I need to go through and donate a ton of toys. Honestly, like half
of this is probably going to Good Will this weekend. Huhuh. I need to get rid of so much.
Um, oh heres a, lets see, Silver Play Button.

There we go. Toysreviewtoys right
there, and Disney CarToys. I need to hang these up, so, oops! Um, and then I have my
golden play button hiding under my bed, cause I dont want my kids breaking it. Um, whoa,
here we go.

Heres something interesting. Pooh Splat. Whoo! Um, and then in these drawers,
lets see. I know I have like.

Okay. So, like for example, all of this needs to go.
Like its just junk. Huhuh, got to get away from here. And heres some old Play-Doh
toys, cause like two years ago its really cool that, from Play-Doh.

Um, and then heres
the one of our costume stuff, so heres Spidey, and Doctor Sandra, um, you know, Kid
Spidey, , um, and then masks and headbands and everything. So like all our dress-up stuff
is here, which is a good spot. Um, so now I have another toy closet to show you. So,
heres my Disney CarToys closet, um, literally with Disney CarToys, So, Lightning McQueen,
Mater, and all that.

I actually have like a huge collection of Disney Cars, but I just
boxed them up into like Rubbermaid totes just to keep them like kind of more concise. So,
heres kind of what I didnt box up. I. Still need to clean this up and then hopefully
I can store more toys to donate or who knows what in here, but.

Yep! Theres some more
toys! And now, Ill show you everything thats super boring which you really dont
care to see, but Ill show you anyway. Heres the kitchen, bathroom, family room, laundry
room, another bathroom, and then heres a really weird room in our house thats
kind of like a guest room, but its got like a tiny kitchen in it. So we film most
of our videos in here, because its always clean, since no one really sleeps here. Huhuh.
And then also you can use like the kitchen for videos and the bed and everything else.
But I also like working here too.

So, its a little bit of everything. And just when
you holler I dont have enough toys, I have way more in here, so this is actually like
my garage. And all of these toys are toys that Im giving away, so usually like if
I have friends over, or if I like need to donate certain age groups, then Ill like
go in here, and its almost like a toy store. So seriously, all this stuff is like my To
Go pile.

Like, um, I rather I used to kind of save up toys throughout the year doe Christmas,
and I still do a little bit, but now I start kind of saving in October for Christmas. So
like Ill save up these toys and then around Christmas time, Ill get like a huge list
of like gender and ages and then Ill box up all the toys and give them away that way,
where now with these I just kind of need to get rid of and then Ill have room to save
more toys for Christmas time. So, all of these have to go. Okay, so, with all of these toys
need to get donated and find a good, happy home.

And heres all the Barbie stuff I
need to give away and its crazy! Nobody seems to like Barbie for some reason, cause
every time Im always like Hey, do you want Barbies? And then people would say
like No and Im like Why not?, Cause I do love Barbie, but, um, so hopefully
I can find a good home for these Barbies as well. Okay. So we finally did it! Heres
my house tour. Like I said, its I guess to me kind of boring, but if you enjoyed,
please click like; subscribe to the Disney CarToys Channel.

In the comments, let me know
what you think. Click on a picture to watch another fun toy video, and click on the question
mark to watch a mystery video. Thanks for watching, and have a great day..

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