Wednesday, May 9, 2018

More Flying Saucers on Flatbed Trucks Spotted

More Flying Saucers
More Flying Saucers on Flatbed Trucks Spotted by Paul Seaburn While the number of flying flying saucer
sightings seems to be on a downtrend (curse you, flying triangles!), The number of flying-saucer-towed-on-a-flatbed-truck
sightings is on the rise. Are saucers prone to mechanical problems? Do the truck drivers have to take out Men
in Black insurance? Why isnt the mainstream media covering
this? The latest report, submitted to the National
UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) comes from Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, where an unnamed witness
claims to have seen a flying saucer being transported via truck on I-44 north on February
1st at 10:15 pm.  Saw line of police cars spaced out about
a mile with no traffic coming southbound. Noticed more police cars with lights keeping
traffic held back in the distance about another mile.

A semi with flatbed was in the center. As the semi approached, i couldnt beleive
that the semi was carrying what appeared to be a saucer shaped object. The witness was in the cab of another truck
and claims to have had an elevated view of a saucer-shaped object that was dull metallic
grey with thick short legs coming from the center bottom like fence posts and
a thick central body and tapering to very thin edges encompassing the whole trailer. While the report doesnt reference it, a
video of what appears to be the same sighting showed up on the Internet soon afterwards.

This video and other reports on the sighting
mention both Area 51 in Nevada (1400 miles away) and Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio (500
miles away), two places that would have taken the flying saucer convoy past millions of
other potential witnesses. Wherever its going, it looks similar to
another saucer-on-a-truck spotted in Central Illinois on January 31st. That one was identified as a part of an X-47B
unmanned drone. Another saucer convoy was reported less than
a year ago on Arizona State Route 77 near Holbrook (getting closer to Area 51).

At least this one was covered in an attempt
to hide whatever it was from the public. Another drone? Then there was this one reported in July 2016. Why is it propped at a 45 degree angle? This one doesnt look like a drone part. Is it the bottom of a boat? While the number of saucer-on-a-truck sightings
seems to be increasing lately, its not new.

Heres one from December 2011 that was reported
in Oklahoma and Kansas and believed to be  you guessed it  a drone part. What should we make of the latest sighting? It seems suspicious that the report says it
was in Missouri but the video puts it near Area 51. Is one (or both) using old footage? What about all of these sightings in general? Is drone-making the hottest business in the
U.S.? Why arent the drone factories nearer to
the Air Force bases? If these are actual flying saucers, are these
sightings a case of hiding them out in the open to lessen suspicion  or perhaps get
the public used to seeing them in preparation for a big UFO announcement? If theyre crashed UFOs, why do all of them
appear to be intact? Where are the aliens? Which are your friends more likely to believe
as an excuse for why you were late for the party  getting stopped by a train or stuck
behind a flying saucer?.

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