Friday, May 18, 2018

U.S. congressman in critical condition after mass shooting at Virginia baseball field

U.S. congressman in
Now a developing story from the U.S... A mass shooting near Washington, D.C. Has
left a Republican congressman and four other people injured, the Congressman critically. The shooter, who was killed in a gun battle
with the police, was known to be highly critical of President Trump and his allies...

taking to social media to vent his frustrations prior to the shooting. Yu Joonhee has the latest. A gunman opened fire early Wednesday morning
at a baseball field in Virginia, in the suburbs of Washington D.C., Where a congressional
baseball team had gathered to practice ahead of a charity game. Armed with a semi-automatic rifle, the shooter
fired at and wounded four people, including Republican congressman and House Majority
Whip Steve Scalise.

Scalise was shot in the hip, and was taken
to a nearby hospital where he remains in critical condition following surgery. The gunman was killed by police in the subsequent
shootout. He's been identified by law enforcement as
66-year old James Hodgkinson from the state of Illinois. According to witnesses, Hodgkinson asked bystanders
whether the players on the field were Republicans or Democrats before he started shooting.

He was known to be highly critical of President
Trump and other Republicans on social media, and had reportedly traveled to Washington
to protest against the administration. Leaders in Washington have called for solidarity
following the shooting, with House Speaker Paul Ryan saying "an attack on one of us,
is an attack on all of us", and declaring that Congress was united in its response to
the attack. President Trump said he and Vice President
Pence were deeply saddened by the attack, and wished Scalise and the others injured
a speedy recovery. The congressional baseball team had been practicing
ahead of their annual charity game that has been held since 1909.

Members of Congress said the game would still
go ahead as planned at Nationals Park in Washington on Thursday night. Yu Joonhee, Arirang News..

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