Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Weather News Today Evening Edition with J7409 ThursMarch 22,2018 Another Snow Storm

Weather News Today
And  a good evening everyone time now for weather news today with J7409 the evening edition the name You know the news you can use and while do I have some pics to show you people? I've got a whole bunch of pics. There's no way I can get them all on it. That's for the thumbnail so I'm gonna take them like in pairs and if I don't get yours up if you sent me one it does not mean I'm not going to use it.I will use them all. Hang in there.

Okay? What we're looking at now. This is from my friend be friendly mr. Bill Castro now this is up in Baltimore He has bees and he's in Baltimore, and he went hey Jay check out the snow on the beehives That's pretty cool. Isn't it caution bees in the area? Hey? Bill you do a wonderful job Please everybody we need to help the bees the bees help us I admire you for what you're doing with the bees bill, and thanks for sending us this photo and Check out this fella hey.

He's a husky He's not the snows and I'm bothering this dude at all I bet check it out look at that skyline anybody want to take a guess of where this is this is in the Shenandoah Valley area in Virginia and Jennifer Sylvester sent this in thank you so much Jennifer I appreciate this we get to see the snow in the different areas what you guys Got or what you were getting it means so much. Thanks so much and what a great dog And wrapping it up this came in early this morning, and this is from Patricia and say via, Long Island New York she wrote a quick message and said I woke up to this mess This is what it was like this morning in that area so Patricia Thanks for sending it in if you have any kind of weather photos The sky phenomena photos anything that you think is just really cool beautiful or very Unused and you would like for me to I share it with everyone use it as a cover thumbnail for the most part please Click show more under the video scroll down you'll find an email address to send it to and once again Thanks, and I thank all of you for sending me all of these pics I have many many many more to share with you if it's your first time here And you're into the weather you want to know what's happening all the time and if something pops up around your area Please hover over the j7 4:09 in the bottom right hand corner Click it subscribe click the bell and make sure that you get all of the latest weather news forecasts and alerts as we take a quick look at the Watches and warnings map the first thing that catches my eye Is this long blue streak well folks you know what that is? It's winter storm warnings. Yes. I hate to even say this but a late season Snowstorm is going to be going through all these areas from North Dakota parts of Minnesota Parts of Wisconsin South Eastern, Minnesota and northeast, Iowa down into Eastern, Iowa northwestern, Illinois in the Quad Cities right on down to Northeastern, Illinois and northwestern and in Indiana and the Chicago area over to northern, Indiana and northwestern, Ohio and southwestern, Ohio And nope Northern, Kentucky Look at all of those states.

It is going to pass through let's check it out on another map now It's looking like about 6 a.M.. In the morning is when this system is going to slide on down from Canada, okay? That's when it's going to start out in North Dakota with a mixture of freezing rain snow and rain We'll move it on up some to lunch time tomorrow, and we'll see how it moves along Snow is getting much much heavier still got that freezing rain line that separates no from the rain itself Also some heavy sleet ice pellets are falling at the same time Moving along to 7:00 p.M.. Tomorrow night We can see now it is moving from North Dakota to parts of Minnesota with light snow starting the Minnesota Rain down in South Dakota with that Freezing rain line and lots of sleet and ice pellets in between at this time this around 7:00 p.M. Tomorrow night Moving along midnight tomorrow night the snow bands get really really heavier and Minnesota here at this time Will clicks on let's see what it says what it may turn out to be 4.2 Inches in three hours, yes.

This is going to be Heavy heavy snow and the wind's going you guys are going to get some wind I mean no big Nothing like tropical storm, or hurricane winds, but you could get to around 35 mile-per-hour winds okay? Looking like the sleet line is Decreased some but we do have some still over here in Minnesota Freezing rain is just about gone. It's just raining snow at this time when we're moving to 7 a.M.. Saturday morning We see the snow has lightened up some still got some snow falling in Minnesota over in Wisconsin Down around Chicago just starting to get a flurry now And then but there's still some heavier snow bands in this and that Freezing rain line has progressed all the way down into Kentucky at this time Or lunchtime tomorrow This is what it's looking like leaving, Minnesota We're in parts of Iowa we got heavier bands right in here Here's the Chicago area looking like you may be still getting some you may not The snow is progressing on down to Indiana The ice line is from Indiana Still a little bit in the Kentucky area, Kentucky is mostly getting rain right now And I can go no further than 6:00 p.M.. Tomorrow night.

I'm on the NAMM. This is the way it really should be happening people and by six o'clock tomorrow evening Kentucky and Northern Kentucky up here. You will have snow the rest will be freezing rain all the way through Indiana with rain behind it and the snow is now in West Virginia and parts of Virginia Now check out the GFS map courtesy of tropical tidbits. You'll see everything that's going on now heavy rainfall and flash flooding expected to continue into The evening hours across portions of Southern California this evening now periods of heavy rain are expected to continue across the portions of Southern California into the evening hours as a moisture Laden cold front moves onshore now dangerous flash flooding and debris flow still remain a concern especially in the vicinity of areas recently impacted by wildfires Rains however are expected to subside by early tomorrow as a front news east of the region widespread precipitation across the Great Basin in the central Rockies With locally heavy mountain snows can be expected as a front moves further east tonight into tomorrow morning Now by tomorrow morning as the system begins to move across the Rockies light to moderate precipitation Is expected to develop across the northern Great Plains? Precipitation is expected to quickly spread south and of The northern Great Plains into the upper and mid, Mississippi and lower, Ohio valleys is an area of low pressure Strengthens and moves east across the central Great Plains now the system interacting with a much colder and drier airmass Extending south from central Canada is going to raise the potential for wintry precipitation with locally heavy snow accumulations possible across, North Dakota tomorrow What I was just showing you shifting further south and east across portions of southern Minnesota, Northern, Iowa and Illinois central Indiana and Southwest, Ohio late tomorrow and early Saturday accumulating snows may reaches far south and east as the southern Appalachian and central Mid Atlantic region by Saturday back to the west Unsettled weather is expected to continue across the Pacific Northwest and Northern California area to the Northern Rockies as a Series of upper disturbances and their associated frontal systems push through the region now This is expected to produce periods of heavy precipitation Along the Southern, Oregon and Northwest, California coast with heavy snow accumulations likely in the coastal ranges and southern cascades Meanwhile snows will continue to diminish across New England That's a good thing as a low pressure system most recently responsible for the widespread heavy snows across the mid-atlantic and northeast moves further north toward Nova Scotia tonight Now an upper-level system dropping south out of the eastern Canada area is expected to encourage snow showers across, New York and New England tomorrow However accumulations are expected to remain very very light, so there you have it folks I hate to tell all you guys up in those areas that I just Showed you and told you it's coming and you've seen for yourself.

It's just that late season snowstorm That's going to be coming in and moving on through Nothing like what has happened to the people up north, but some of you could get some maybe five to ten inches of snow I'll check it all out in the morning to let you know what's going on But go ahead and get yourself right forward tonight because it is coming. Thank you so much for watching subscribing The upvotes The comments and the sharing it means so much to me when you do this guys pass us on to your friends and family Let them know what's going on around them, and so they can stay informed -. I love you guys. I love you so much With that all said and done have a good evening have a safe evening peace loving kindness to all.

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